Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thanksgivingphoto by Peter Roome

Happy Thanksgiving! It's a time to enjoy that favorite dish, spend time with loved ones...and reminisce of childhood memories. Partaking in the festivities, catching up with family and friends, and bowing your head in prayer are all a part of what makes this day so special. What more, there's the taste test...the famous apple pie, pumpkin bread...and the infamous turkey and stuffing. Let us know what your favorite recipe is; we'd love to hear about your traditions!

About Us

Two cubicle neighbors with pizzazz and their own personal, but highly similar, set of of innate complexities find refuge in this alley of creative musings. So pull up a chair, join in, as we--artist and writer--share our spin on the world, art, literary pursuits and the seemingly miniscule, daily occurrences that become larger than life.

WHAT'S NEW: Follow Friday!

Feature Friday--Each Friday! Inkwell Alley is a growing neighborhood and every Friday, one of our followers will be featured with a short bio about their work. We love to make our avid readers feel at home, so relax and enjoy reading about who's springin' up on Inkwell Alley. Don't miss as we continue to update our blog with many new features. Monica and Sbass hope you enjoy your walk down Inkwell Alley! >>Last Week: karilynnlove >>Previous Weeks: June, also known as Isewcute


Vintage Petals